There are many applications for high integrity fabrications. These are products where the integrity is defined by the processes that fully control the quality of the manufactured parts. These parts will require full materials and process traceability, will need to have qualified welding processes and non-destructive testing requirements to validate the product attributes. These fabrications are used in aerospace, medical, energy, nuclear and in the most demanding motorsport and automotive applications.
Examples of products include:
SST Technology, together with our partner Lentus Composites provide an array of products and services; blending engineering disciplines and techniques to meet our client’s needs.
UK Office:
Horizon Technology Park, Stanton Harcourt Rd, Eynsham OX29 4GF
Polar Technology Management Group (Company Reg No. 07861070 Registered office: 67 Hightown Rd, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9BE.)
SST Technology
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