The new kit cutter will improve process speed and the efficiency in material usage which will help with the environment and enhance sustainability.
The burn-off oven has many benefits; it will capture better data, reduce emissions from the burn-off process and increase the speed of process times whilst giving us a bigger capacity in processing more parts at once.
Both machines will be in full use to enhance the engineering capabilities that both Lentus Composites and SST Technology already have.
"We are always looking to improve our processes making them leaner and cleaner for the environment. I am very pleased that these two machines are added to our in-house machine shop allowing us to deliver better products to our customers in the most efficient and effective way." says Brad Airey, Group Machine Shop Manager.
UK Office:
Horizon Technology Park, Stanton Harcourt Rd, Eynsham OX29 4GF
Polar Technology Management Group (Company Reg No. 07861070 Registered office: 67 Hightown Rd, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9BE.)
SST Technology
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